The possibilities of breathwork are… breathtaking. Let our breathwork class be a breath of fresh air in your life. Explore, discover, and master the power of breathing. Lotus Zone proudly organizes breathwork classes where you learn the nuances of different breathing techniques.
Get the breathing space you need in life with our breathwork class.
Boost your quality of life, enjoy sublime tranquility, and establish mind-body harmony by harnessing the power of controlled breathing. There is a reason why breathing techniques have a history going back millennia. Lotus Zone’s breathwork coaching is your answer to mastering breath control. Bring yourself a step closer to optimal health with deep breathing done right.
Lotus Zone provides a blissfully supportive space where you are free to indulge in your curiosity and navigate the breathtaking world of breathwork. Let our adept instructors show you how it’s done and how to maximize gains from controlled breathing. Lotus Zone’s breathwork coaching is the key to optimal breathing for optimal health.
Prevent stray thoughts from running riot, Balance your mind, and attain profound calm via controlled breathing complemented with visualization meditation. Our breathwork coaching can guide you on how these two are done. Amplify the highly positive results of deep breathing with visualization meditation.
Improve sleep, elevate mood, and quell the storm of rampant thoughts. Breathwork coaching can make it happen.
Here is a summary of the myriad benefits of deep controlled breathing.
Here’s a more in-depth look at the many benefits of breathwork therapy.
Stress and anxiety relief are some of the key benefits of breathwork therapy. Deep controlled breathing works wonders for soothing the nervous system and preventing it from creating undue stress and anxiety.
There is scientific evidence to show that breathwork can be quite effective for coping with stressful scenarios. (1)
Diaphragmatic breathing also works well. A 2016 study showed that when practiced daily, this deep breathing method can reduce anxiety levels in participants. (2)
As shown above, breathwork reduces stress and anxiety. This has a very positive effect on your energy levels. Prolonged stress and anxiety can hammer energy levels. So reducing stress and anxiety can help bring your energy levels back to normal.
There’s another big reason why deep breathing boosts energy levels. It brings in copious amounts of oxygen to facilitate energy production. More oxygen means that more food can be “burned” to fuel our cells and body.
A study was carried out on 20,000 Japanese people who had high blood pressure. It was demonstrated that if they took just 6 deep breaths in 30 seconds, they could significantly bring down systolic blood pressure. (3)
This could happen due to a number of reasons. One possible reason is that deep breathing fires up your parasympathetic system which dilates blood vessels while decreasing the heart rate.
It stands to reason that breathwork strengthens the lungs since these organs are directly involved in deep breathing.
Science shows that indeed, breathwork can have a positive effect on the lungs. One 2016 study found that breathing exercises can boost the lung capacity of older smokers. Researchers noted that respiratory muscles were strengthened even in those with narrow chests. (5)
This is good news for asthma and COPD patients who suffer from weaker lung function and capacity. Many such patients find that deep breathing improves their lung strength and health.
One 2018 paper shows that breathwork can help insomniacs to calm down and sleep more easily. Amazingly, this research pointed out that controlled breathing seemed better for sleeplessness than pharmaceuticals. Turns out that relaxed deep breathing is one of the best sleep aids out there. The best part is that it’s completely free and readily accessible.
This should not come as a surprise since breathwork promotes deep calm and alleviates mental chaos. Hence, you fall asleep faster.
Breathwork when combined with yoga can have a very positive effect on depression symptoms. Research carried out at the University of Pennsylvania in 2016 indicates this. (6) Depression patients’ symptoms improved with yoga plus breathwork. These patients were not responding well to anti-depressants. Amazingly, the yoga breathwork combo is more effective than anti-depressants.
There are many more benefits besides. Hence, you should wait no longer. Reach out to us right away to avail the numerous benefits of breathwork. With our breathwork near me coaching, mastering breathwork should be a cinch.
The Lotus Zone is a company dedicated to empowering individuals in their health and wellness journey.
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The Lotus Zone is a company dedicated to empowering individuals in their health and wellness journey.
Understanding Somatic Breathwork and its Benefits
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