The cold plunge is your answer to attaining a multitude of health benefits in mere minutes. No work is required on your part nor do you need fancy supplements. A dip in ice-cool water is all it takes for a broad range of cool benefits. Cold plunge therapy is the way to go.
When plunged into frigid waters, the human body reacts by unlocking a cascade of incredible physiological responses that seem too good to be true. Higher energy, profound calm, reduced stress, and lowered inflammation are just some of the tantalizing benefits of taking a deep dive into ice-cold water.
The experience itself is unlike any other. As you immerse in frigid fluid, the initial shock of cold contact is immediately followed by a mesmerizing adrenaline rush. Soon, your whole being is enveloped by delectably calming waves of invigoration, rejuvenation, and relaxation.
A profound sense of refreshment washes over you as your body adjusts to the freezing water.
An upshot of the cold plunge is that your body becomes more resilient to stress in response to the cold wave immersing you. Great things happen as a result. For example, inflammation goes down. This is the root cause of virtually all chronic diseases. Hence, this key threat can be mitigated without exerting effort or ingesting supplements. Cold plunge therapy can make it happen.
Another key benefit of the cold rush is improved metabolism and fat burning. This leads to improved energy levels and thus better mood.
Here’s a deep dive into what the cold plunge does for your body.
One randomized control trial from 2022 mentioned in the journal “Biological Research for Nursing” found that people suffering from gout arthritis experienced substantial pain alleviation when going for the cold plunge. (1)
There are two possible reasons for this. One is that cold baths reduce inflammation which then reduces pain. Another reason is that cold baths reduce the perception of pain. A good example of this is the cold spray which is administered before an injection. It is believed that the cold treatment dulls the pain signals going through the nerves.
Cold water plunges may also be a good thing for immunity. It is known that such treatment can lead to an uptick in your white blood cell count. This is helpful for combatting infection.
The circulatory system comprises arteries, veins, and capillaries. It is through this intricate system of blood vessels through which blood travels to your whole body.
Ice cold water exerts a beneficial stress on your body. As a result, your body enters survival mode as it strives hard to steady the core body temperature. Nutrients and oxygen are required in sufficient amounts to keep up metabolism. To facilitate this, blood flow goes up and so circulation gets better.
One 2023 study shows that a cold plunge lasting for around 5 minutes can replace stress and anxiety with alertness and good mood. (2)
Depression, anxiety, and other such emotional states are the result of lower neurotransmitter levels. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help your brain function the way it should. The cold plunge helps your body to boost levels of key neurotransmitters like endorphins and dopamine. This can explain the buzz that people feel when they emerge from their cold plunge.
Recovering from muscle soreness after heavy workouts can be time-consuming. Reducing muscle soreness fast can often be quite hard. Pro athletes have found that cold baths are the go-to hack for shortening recovery time and reducing muscle soreness.
A 2023 review from Sports Medicine shows that individuals who undertook cold water baths had lower levels of biochemical markers of muscle soreness. Those who resorted to cold water plunges had a shorter recovery time compared to those who did not. Baths with reduced temperatures and shorter immersion times seemed to be the most effective.
Of course, it is vital to keep it safe. You should do it under expert supervision at higher temperatures and then reduce the temperature gradually. Don’t start off right away with ice-cold water.
We help you do the cold plunge in the safest way possible.
We provide access to the best cold plunge experience with your fully equipped facility and host of experts. Hence, if looking for the ideal cold plunge near me, you should head over to us without further ado.
We go the extra mile to make sure that you enjoy the best cold plunge ever. Given our long list of satisfied clients, you can’t go wrong with Lotus Zone if you are serious about a memorable cold plunge near me.
Feel free to book an appointment with our friendly and courteous staff. We have delighted many clients before you and would love to do the same for you.
The Lotus Zone is a company dedicated to empowering individuals in their health and wellness journey.
Understanding Somatic Breathwork and its Benefits
Three Lesser-Known Benefits of Cold Plunge
The Lotus Zone is a company dedicated to empowering individuals in their health and wellness journey.
Understanding Somatic Breathwork and its Benefits
Three Lesser-Known Benefits of Cold Plunge
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