Bemer Therapy

At The Lotus Zone, our clients frequently voice complaints about various types of pain, including muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, chronic back and hip pain. These aches and pains can manifest suddenly or develop gradually as a result of injury or infection. But what ties all these symptoms together? The culprits are inflammation and poor circulation.

What is BEMER Therapy

Enter the BEMER (Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Regulation), an FDA registered Class II medical device designed to enhance circulation by employing a pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF), which has been shown to boost circulation by a remarkable 28%. By stimulating microcirculation and overall blood flow throughout the body, PEMF aids in the healing process.

What does a BEMER session entail, you ask? Well, The Lotus Zone, we provide tailored BEMER sessions to cater to your specific needs. These sessions may incorporate one or more of the following options:

B-Body: This involves placing a full pad beneath the sheet on the table to enable the delivery of PEMF to your entire body.

Pad: Utilizing a small lineal pad, we can wrap it around your head, a limb, or position it across a painful area of your body.

Spot: By utilizing a small circular device, we can target local areas of inflammation, such as joints, hands, or feet.

Curious about the post-session effects? Many individuals report experiencing relaxation, increased energy levels, reduced stress, improved sleep, and diminished pain as the most common responses following a BEMER session?

Ready for a rejuvenating BEMER therapy session at The Lotus Zone? Book your appointment today!

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